About Me

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Illinois, United States
I am a band director at five private schools in Kankakee. Music is a big part of my life, but knitting and crafting are right up there too. I own a ridiculous stash of yarn, which I am slowly using... and replacing with better yarn... I tend to knit and crochet a lot, in class, out of class, while watching tv, while driving, pretty much constantly. I have been involved with crochet romantically for 15 years, and involved with knitting for 11 years. They sometimes get jealous of each other. I think its funny. Along with knitting and crocheting, I quilt, spin (drop spindle) and design patterns!!

Sunday, July 07, 2013


I will start with this- I love my garden. I LOVE MY GARDEN. The thought that everyday I can go out to an area that was just dirt and clay in February, that is now filled with plants, flowers, veggies, fruits, all the yummy things!

What just places me in total awe, is that I started almost 100% of my garden from seeds.  The only "pesticide" I have used is red pepper flakes to keep away the squirrels, and marigolds for the rabbits.  Bugs have not been a problem so far.

Let's do a quick walkthrough before I write about what I wanted to write about!
My 1st round of green bean bushes.  I have planted more seeds in between these plants to create a 3rd round of beans. (the second round just started fruiting!)

My asparagus which I sadly did not get to eat this year.  They needed to go to seed for the first year so that I could get a good harvest in the next however many years.

My cucumber plants- I harvested my first cucumber today!  I will be eating it for lunch tomorrow.

8 tomato plants, of different varieties.  Two of each Roma, grape, cherry, and big boy. I harvested my first grape and roma today and yesterday! Yum!

5 of my 8 pepper plants- hot banana, jalepeno, yellow bell pepper, and green bell.

My green onions that I recently cut back because the stalks got too tough, and my white onions growing on the left.

My yummy kale plants- purple ornamental in the front.  Works great in the juicer!


Carrots- which I will not do again next year.  I planted them the same time as the beets, and they are taking forever! I like more turnaround in my garden.

My 1st round of sugar snap peas, sadly coming to a close in producing... But I will pull them out and compost them when they are done, and plant more!

My second round of green beans- I picked today, blanched the result, and put them in the freezer in meal sized portions. Yum!

My blueberry bushes- 3 different types.  They are fruiting, but not turning blue.... I am hopeful they will turn soon!

My cute little flower corner to try and bring the bees and pollinators in.

White (aka green) raspberry bushes- For the longest time I was waiting for these to get darker thinking they were going to turn red or black.  Turns out they have been ripe for a while and are actually supposed to stay white!  They are extremely sweet and I am looking into making a sorbet with the fruit.

A full picture of part of the garden, with the wonderful grapevine in the back! Grape jam/jelly and juice coming soon!

My little garden shed!

Sangria peppers- turn from purple to red! Edible, but not very spicy.

Now- for the main reason I wanted to post.  I visited the farmers market this past Saturday, and picked up two different types of beets, red and gold.  I also picked up some raspberry parmesean cheese, and goat cheese, along with some turnips.  (I bought the turnips as my monthly "new" food- we shall see what I make with them!)

I came home today and picked three beets from my garden.  Washed them up,
Then washed the rest of the beets, and kept all the greens to wash, I am planning to juice them the next couple days.

I cut the roots and leaves off the beets, and boiled them for around 30 minutes.  Look at how the water turned colors! Very pretty (hmmmm... new yarn dye color?)

After boiling the beets, the peels came right off, but they were very warm, so I dropped them in some ice water.

After peeling, the real colors came out.  These pictures don't even do the veggies justice! They were so bright!

The really dark ones came out of my garden.

I sprinkled some salt to bring out the sweetness, and took some of both cheeses and crumbled it over the salad.  Look at how pretty those beets look!

Very filling. As in, I ate a quarter of what I plated up before I was full!  That's eating healthy!

If you look at this picture and go "ewwww" you need to try this.  Very healthy. Very nummy. And very expensive in restaurants! :)

Monday, June 03, 2013

I do still craft!!!

I know, I know... it almost seems like I do not craft anymore.  WRONG!

I have been, every day! But I just never get around to taking pictures.  So here are a few things that I have made, and put up for sale in my shop!

Epic Neon Green Shawl

Cute little mushroom stitch markers!

Mushroom earrings!

Heart earrings!

These remind me of Cherry Blossoms

 Evil eye earrings

All for sale in my shop at https://www.etsy.com/shop/luganchica102

Saturday, May 11, 2013

My first 5k ever!

Before and after shots of my first ever 5k! My first time fully running a mile with no walking was about a month ago (under 15 mins, I have ran really slow miles before). The best mile I have ever done was last week at 10 mins, 41 seconds n a treadmill.  I tested out my 5k time on a treadmill last week, and came at 43.55.

I kicked that first mile in its booty at 9mins on the dot. After that, I slowed down, the hills around Perry Farm are brutal!

My time was 40.33. My favorite part was the last .10 mile before the finish line. I felt like death, soaked through with sweat, face beet red, exhausted, but I had my St. Joes students and parents cheering me on, running along side of me screaming my name, rooting for me. I have never felt that amazing before. 

I am going to continue training, and I have 5 more 5k's in the area that I am signed up for this summer. I am so proud of myself for pushing to do better in my life. I have an easy goal to beat. And I will beat it!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

New Chair!

So, I love my craft room.  I love all the cross stitches and embroidery all over my walls, I love my bookshelf (though that bugger will be painted when it starts getting warmer outside). I love my drafting table for my quilting board, and I love my tiny ironing board.

I hate my sewing table and chair.  Whenever I use my sewing machine, my table vibrates.  Full out vibrates... Thats what you get when you are using a folding table!  My chair is the matching set of the folding table, so as you can imagine it is very uncomfortable.

Whenever I sew, I worry that because of the bouncing, my sewing is not as great as it could be. (so the table is the next thing I need replaced!)

Dad visited yesterday, to fix my non working oven (sigh...) hang a painting, fix my garage door, and my front door.  He brought a chair that he found in the next door neighbors garbage.   My family dumpster dives. 6 month old vacuum cleaner, that only needed a belt.  Valued at $600. Replace the belt, and it works.  Why would you turn that down?!?

He brought a beautiful sturdy chair, which really just needed new fabric.  So I took care of that today!

Cute right? The fabric looks iccky though, and I do not allow iccky!
Gross right? 

Took off the cushion, and didnt look too bad, so removed and tossed the fabric, sprayed down the particle board with  a bleach mixture to get rid of the decolorations, and let it dry.

Cushion looks pretty good, and its squishy!

New fabric added and stapled!  Not professional, but works for me!

My new chair! 


 I love it so much! I am glad I got off my tukus to figure it out!