About Me

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Illinois, United States
I am a band director at five private schools in Kankakee. Music is a big part of my life, but knitting and crafting are right up there too. I own a ridiculous stash of yarn, which I am slowly using... and replacing with better yarn... I tend to knit and crochet a lot, in class, out of class, while watching tv, while driving, pretty much constantly. I have been involved with crochet romantically for 15 years, and involved with knitting for 11 years. They sometimes get jealous of each other. I think its funny. Along with knitting and crocheting, I quilt, spin (drop spindle) and design patterns!!

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Labor Day Weekend!

Did you say "whoooa"? Yeah so did I when he came up to the window holding that bullfrog. It was hugeee!

For Labor Day weekend, Steve and I headed out to the island for a weekend of fishing, swimming, and relaxing. Too bad it got so cold and all we got to do was fish!
We caught quite a bunch of bluegill, perch and pumpkin fish, and a couple of smallish northern pikes. It was a good fishing trip.

Kitty even came with us and hung out around the house, she took over steves sleeping bag. (the beds are still in disarray from years of no use, so we decided to camp out in the living room.)

Sadly thats all the pics I have from the trip. The weather was sorta stormy so we didnt get to do half of the things I wanted. (Tubing with a rowboat was one of the main things I wanted to get done....)
But I did get a little bit of knitting done!
Here is a baby blanket I am working on for the shop. Simple, stash buster blanket. I am getting through my yarn! I might even be able to bring my yarn storage into my apartment! yay!

I spun this yarn from some white fiber my friend Sarah gave me a while back. Its about 260 yards, lace to sock weight. I am not quite sure what the fiber is, but it is not very soft. I hated spinning with it, well... sort of. I felt that its fiber was not long enough to spin anything thinner than sock weight. I am planning on buying some kool aid so I can dye it. Because I hate white, and I would love to give it some colors! Greens and Blues are my favorite, so we will see!

I also bought some fiber, because I am participating in Rainlover Knits Spin Along (http://www.ravelry.com/discuss/rainlover-knits/1711344/1-25). I also have been trying my best to perfect my spindle spinning before I go out and buy a spinning wheel! (Squee!)I signed up for the Roving of the Month with SUnset Fibers, and she sent out roving right away! I have started spinning it and I literally love it!
It is 4 ounces of Merino Wool, and it is just.... so freakishly soft and comfortable. I love it already. Seriously, sign up for her roving of the month! It is a thrill to get a surprise in the mail! (sunsetfibers.com)

Lastly is some fiber that I ordered from WoolGatherings shop on Etsy. It is superfine Merino Wool Roving, and I have yet to start with it, waiting to finish up with the sunset fibers roving.

I do not have a bunch of money to spend but once a month I plan on spending 20 fiber or yarn. Depending on what I reallllly need during that month. Next month I have a feeling it will be sock blockers (Unless someone wants to donate a set! :) )

I am 27.07$ closer to buying a spinning wheel. Profit made in my shop on Etsy will go into buying a spinning wheel. I am also debating on throwing profit from me teaching private lessons on instruments into the spinning wheel funds. Its either that or get internet for my apartment.... hmmmm Anywhoooo, go check out my shop and help me buy a great spinning wheel!!! http://www.etsy.com/shop/luganchica102

Thats it for now I guess. Teaching has been hectic mostly because the 4 grade schools still do not have the band schedule added in, which makes my life confusing. But the high school pep band played at the first home football game and we got tons of compliments! I am excited to push this band to their limits in order to make them great musicians!

Right on. That is all I have for you this week! Stay tuned because I am going to start updating my shop with winter scarves/hats/shawls/ and whatnot!

Until then!

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